Ted Gambordella - Tonfa tactics, Defence

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//-->Tonfa tacticsCopyright 2001 Dr. Ted GambordellaTonfa tacticsINTRODUCTIONPerhaps no other weapon in karate is as practical,powerful, and versatile as the tonfa, yet no otherweapon is so little known and used. Why? I feel that thereasons are twofold. First, while the tonfa is powerful, itis not flashy and can- not be used for that fun andgames demonstrated with the nunchaku by so manysupposed weapons experts. The crowds love it and thosewho don't know any better imagine that these are realweapons men. In reality they are only baton twirlerswho kick. If you could twirl the tonfa like a gun, set iton fire, and dance with it as you can the nunchaku, itwould greatly increase in popularity. Second, the tonfais not easily carried on the body, like a knife ornunchaku, so those who feel insecure unless they arecarrying a weapon at their side don't even try tounderstand the tonfa. This helps account for its lack ofpopularity. I hope this book will change all of that.The tonfa is a truly remarkable weapon; it has theadvantages of a baseball bat, a club, a hammer, a bluntaxe, and body' armor. When the tonfa is held down theforearm, the arm is reinforced with three inches ofrock-hard wood. No other weapon short of a sword canpenetrate your blocks when you use the tonfa toreinforce them. A nunchaku, knife, bat, or bo willbounce off the tonfa. When held by the handle andCopyright 2001 Dr. Ted GambordellaTonfa tacticsflipped with speed and power, the tonfa has the samedeadly potential as a baseball bat or a club movesfaster, and is easier to control. When held at its topusing the handle as a bludgeon, the tonfa has the powerof an axe or hammer. With two tonfa you can stop theattacks of several men armed with other weapons, asdemonstrated in the final chapter of this book. It istruly a powerful, versatile weapon.One last word: State laws vary, so be sure to find outfrom your local police department if it is legal to carry atonfa in your car or on your person. Always rememberthat the tonfa is a self-defense and karate weapon andshould only be used in karate class or, in cases ofextreme emergency, to protect your life or the lives ofothers.Copyright 2001 Dr. Ted GambordellaTonfa tacticsThis book has been written as a training andinformation manual for people and students who mayfind that they have to defend themselves in the streetfrom attack by those who may have such weapons asknives, bats, clubs, broken bottles, chains, or all of theabove.It is intended to be a training manual not in how to usethe weapons of the street, but rather in how to defendyour- self against unwarranted and unnecessary attack.There are a few instructions in offensive techniques, butthey are meant to be used to control the attacker till thepolice come or till help can arrive.I do not condone nor intend that this book be a manualfor those who would use weapons in the street to harmtheir fellow man for any reason.Dr. Ted GambordellaCopyright 2001 Dr. Ted GambordellaTonfa tacticsHolding the TonfaPosition I (basic position):Hold the tonfa by its handle,below the forearm. Be sure to lock the thumb over thefingers and keep the wrist straight so that the tonfastays down on the forearm.Copyright 2001 Dr. Ted Gambordella [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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