TechLife - September 2016, WRZESIEŃ 2016 czytelnia

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//-->LITTLE+BIG GAMING PC COMBODOES ALIENWARE’S ALPHA +GRAPHICS AMPLIFIER MAKE FORTHE ULTIMIATE MINI GAMING RIG?• I T ’ SISSUE| SEPTEMBERT E C H|TECHLIFERS M A R T STECHLIFERM A D ES I M P L E•APPLE NEWSSTAND & GOOGLE PLAYDIY PRIVACYTOOLKITKEEP IT SECRET, KEEP IT SAFE:THE ESSENTIAL APPS,ADD ONS, SITESAND SERVICES YOUMUST USE!DETAILEDHOW-TO GUIDES* LOCK DOWN FACEBOOK,GOOGLE & WINDOWS* SECURE MESSAGES &EMAILS FROM PRYING EYES* SURF THE WEB LIKENOBODY’S WATCHING!PROTECT YOUR DIGITALPRIVACYHOW TO BECOME ANONYMOUS ONLINE IN THE AGEOF TOTAL SURVEILLANCEBEST TECH BUYS:HUGE GUIDEREVISED & UPDATEDCATEGORIES INCLUDING:* SMARTPHONES & TABLETS* LAPTOPS & PC PARTS* ACCESSORIES & PERIPHERALS* AUDIO GEAR, CAMERAS+ MUCH MORE!HANDY TECHKNOWLEDGEGET NEW SKILLS & KNOW HOW* CALIBRATE YOUR HOMETHEATRE SPEAKERS* HOW TO CHOOSE THE BEST ISPFOR YOUR NEEDS* CREATE & GROW YOUR OWNYOUTUBE CHANNELTOP NEW GEAR,APPS & GAMESDOZENS REVIEWED & RATED* SECOND GEN MOTOSMARTWATCH* NEW LAPTOPS, SMARTPHONES,HEADPHONES + MUCH MORE* MUST LISTEN TRUE CRIMEPODCASTSTECHLIFE #54EDITORIALUNFETTERED SPECULATIONI CHOOSE YOUAR’s watershed momentTECHLIFE’SEDITOR RECKONS THAT EVEN IF IT’S NOTYOUR CUP OF TEA, YOU SHOULDN’T HATE ONPOKÉMON GO—IT’S LIKELY THE BEGINNING OF TECH’S NEXT BIG FRONTIER.DAN GARDINERBY THIS POINT,I’m pretty sure that if you’re notone of the millions of people playing the game,you’re probably sick to death of hearing aboutPokémon GO. Bearwith me, though, because thereare some good reasons to be forgiving of the gameand everything that’s come with it — not least ofwhich is the fact that this is augmented reality’swatershed moment. Within a day of its release, it was fairly clear thatPokémon GOwas going to be big. And within aweek, it had added a staggering 53% increase toNintendo’s share price, equating to over US$15billion dollars to the company’s market value.A week and a half in and it’s already got more usersthan Twitter, and the people who’re playing it spendmore time with it than even Facebook.Pokémon’score mechanics are ttingly-suitedto augmented reality (AR) translation. In thetraditional games, you control a character who runsaround an anime world collecting mini monstersand battling other characters and their collections.e beauty of this AR version is that it takes thatgameplay and just puts it directly in the real world,meaning players are forced to literally run aroundvisiting real-world locations to keep growingtheir collection.And honestly, there’s just somethingheartwarming about the fact that, on a Saturdaynight, I can look out at the park opposite my at andsee small groups of twenty- and thirty-somethingsgleefully running around, yelling at each other asthey peer through their phone’s cameras atimaginary creatures. Even if you can’t understandWWW.TECHLIFE.NETit, you’ve got to admit that anything that getspeople outside and moving around has to bea good thing.So why is the game so big? In a word, it is allabout the Pokémon. ere are many, manyspin-o s and adaptations to the core games —so many that a widely-repeated adage amongfans is that you can ‘just add Pokémon’ if youwant to turn your average game into a smashhit. at certainly seems to have worked indeveloper Niantic’s case — there’s a lot of thecompany’s previous gameIngressapparent inPokémon GO,with both e ectively built on topof Google Maps and sharing many of the samecore mapping-oriented features.Ingresswassuccessful — it’s got a cult following inAustralia — but nowhere near the level of thisnew game. And in a wider sense, what Niantic’s newcreation has done is opened up a hugeaudience’s eyes to the possibilities of augmentedreality. Other companies are going to belooking at their own portfolios and seeing whatcan be adapted to t the AR mould. While thatmight mean that, in the near term, we just see alot ofGOclones, in the years to come, it’ll beturned to all sorts of unexpected, interestingand even (gasp) practical purposes. It’s not o en we see a tech phenomenon takeo so rapidly; but despite whether or notPokémon GOcan sustain that level of interestover the long term, the tech world will certainlynever be the same.03TECHLIFE #54WELCOMEIN THIS IISSUE055PROTECT YOURPRIVACYHOW TO BECOME ANONYMOUS ONLINE IN THEAGE OF TOTAL SURVEILLANCEPAGE 036GAMESMirrors Edge, Alienation,Ashes of the Singularityand more.004052048044THIS MONTH IN TECHLIFECover story055056058060Intro013003062064066EditorialHotspot008010013014015016017IntroductionPrivate messagingKeep your emails privateLink and download privacySurf securelyService privacy: Googleand FacebookWindows 10 privacyAlienware Alpha+ Graphics Ampli erEssential tech newsGarmin Vivoactive HRe news in numbersHuawei P9Kickstarted!Pop scienceFeatures070072076Lifetools018022Live-streaming special— Stream your gamingwith XsplitLive-streaming special— Create and growyour YouTube channele end of apps?Deep dive: photography andcinematographyHow to select the best ISPHelp station080084047Discover024027028030034036040042Apps for keeping yourprivates privateBest true-crime podcastsApp showdown — Music toyour earsMultiplatform appsUnearthed — Best new sites,services, plugins & morePC & console game reviewsBajo’s E3 wrapMobile games reviews088090092094096098102106Q&A — your questionsansweredOrganise your media inWindows 10Power up AirPlay on MacGetting the most from yourAndroid’s cameraMaster YouTube on iOSPlay retro games right inyour browserMake your own cloud storageUsing opticallters toenhance your photographyCalibrating surround speakersSetting up smart lightsTest Bench044WWWW.TECHLIFE.NETBuyer’s Guide110Radar — Latest gear reviewede best tech products005CONTENTSIN THIS ISSUE [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
