Terminologijata na Ewropejskija syjuz Sypostawka na bylgarskata gryckata polskata i anglijskata terminologija na ...

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//-->Илия�½а Ге�½ев-ПухалеваТЕРМИНОЛОГИЯТАНА ЕВРОПЕЙСКИЯ СЪЮЗThe monograph entitledComparative Termi-nology of the EU Acquis (Comparative Analysis ofBulgarian, Greek, Polish and English Terminologyin the Field of Environmental Law)constitutes anattempt to study the current terminology used inEU legal acts. The research is based on relevantdata from the field of environmental protection infour language versions of the EU acquis: Bulgarian,Greek, Polish and English.To achieve the research goals, the authordeemed it necessary to address thematic fieldssuch as: the theory of terminology, lexicography,law, European integration, environmental protec‑tion etc., thus rendering the present study interdis‑ciplinary. However, the primary focus of the studyis on the linguistic analysis, since its theoreticaland methodological apparatuses are grounded inthe well‑established theses of lexicography, theoryof terminology, comparative and applied linguis‑tics, as well as translation studies.The first chapter of the monograph introducesa theoretical model of the research. The secondchapter is devoted to the analysis proper of the ter‑minological data, which is preceded by the pres‑entation of the methodological choices made. Thefollowing basic concepts have been thoroughly an‑alysed: ENVIRONMENT, HUMAN, ANIMALS,PLANTS, WATER, AIR, LAND/SOIL, IMPACT(on the environment).The original author’s contributions can besummed up as follows:• synthesis and systematization of knowledgestemming from different fields yet relating tothe selected topic;• contrastive analysis of four languages in a rare(unique) configuration;• practical and applied aspect of the results ob‑tained from the analysis of a large representa‑tive corpus of terms from the EU legal field ofenvironmental protection;• the corpus’s linguistic and historical value;should it happen that the EU’s LSP becomesyet another rejected “newspeak”, the authorhas nevertheless been able to study the po‑tential of the linguistic teams and languagesystems to create specialized languages (lan‑guage subsystems) with the aim to attain par‑ticular goals and meet civilization needs at aparticular historical moment.KATOWICE 2015Терми�½ологията �½а Европейския съюзKup książkęNR 3367Kup książkęИлия�½а Ге�½ев‑ПухалеваТерми�½ологията �½а Европейския съюз�½а българСката,гръцката,полСката и а�½глийСката терми�½ология�½а правото �½а окол�½ата СредаСъпоСтавкаWydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego • Katowice 2015Kup książkęRedaktor serii: Językoznawstwo SłowiańskieHenryk FontańskiRecenzentIvanka GugulanovaKup książkę [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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