Text of May 5th 2008 email from US HRSA to Sharyl Attkisson of CBS News, PDFy

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//-->-----Original Message-----From: Cheatham, Tina (HRSA) [mailto:TCheatham@hrsa.gov]Sent: Monday, May 05, 2008 4:14 PMTo: Attkisson, SharylSubject: RE: HHS questionHi Sharyl,Here are the numbers of compensable cases for encephalitis/encephalopathy and seizures in ourdatabase from October 1, 1988 to March 4, 2008.Encephalitis/Encephalopathy 611Seizure Disorders 711Total 1,322I'm providing both numbers to you, because there's not much difference in the medical history andoutcomes for children that were compensated for "encephalopathy" versus "seizures." Those com-pensated for encephalopathy often had seizures as part of their clinical picture, and vice versa.Do you know when your story is going to air?I hope this helps,Tina-----Original Message-----From: Attkisson, Sharyl [mailto:SAC@cbsnews.com]Sent: Monday, May 05, 2008 2:47 PMTo: Cheatham, Tina (HRSA)Subject: RE: HHS questionTina,How many encephalopathy-related cases has compensation been paid on?Here's some background information as well as the answers to your question.Tina---------------------------------For nearly 20 years, the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Programsionate, generous, and timely compensation in rare instances of vaccine injury.1The program allows injured individuals to seek compensation in a special court without cost to them.Certain injuries are presumed to have been caused or aggravated by the vaccine, and are on a table ofsistent with a table injury without sufficient evidence of another cause, the family would be com-pensated. Injury cases not included on the current table also can be compensated if there is sufficientproof that they were caused by the vaccine.Since the program began, 2,100 families and individuals have received compensation.Your Questions1. How many vaccine court cases has the government compensated, been ordered to compensate,and/or agreed to compensate in which a vaccine-injured child ended up with and/or claimed autismand/or autistic symptoms? (We know of a number of cases, but have been told it is not a completelist.)Please break down these compensations by year.The government has never compensated, nor has it ever been ordered to compensate, any case basedon a determination that autism was actually caused by vaccines. We have compensated cases inwhich children exhibited an encephalopathy, or general brain disease. Encephalopathy may be ac-companied by a medical progression of an array of symptoms including autistic behavior, autism, orseizures.Some children who have been compensated for vaccine injuries may have shown signs of autismbefore the decision to compensate, or may ultimately end up with autism or autistic symptoms, but wedo not track cases on this basis.2. Is the government currently conducting research on the pending vaccine court autism plaintiffs tosee if there are commonalities, patterns of pre-existing conditions or other patterns of medical and/orgenetic factors that could play a role, such as in the Polling case?We are not commenting on the Poling case at this time. In 2002, the Chief Master of the U.S. Court ofFederal Claims created the Omnibus Autism Proceeding to adjudicate petitions filed with VICP al-leging autism or autism spectrum disorder from either the MMR vaccine or thimerisol-containingvaccines, or from both. Anticipating large numbers of claims, the Court allowed the filing of"shortform" petitions, but without medical records. As a result, a very small number of the pending5,000 claims have medical records, making it impossible for us to review and compare commonal-ities, patterns, or any general trends among all of the petitioners. Over time, we may learn more aboutpatterns of pre-existing conditions and the role vaccines play, if any, in their progression. As we havedone in the past, the VICP medical staff will look at the court findings and any new scientific in-formation, and may publish scientific articles as appropriate.3. Several high ranking government health officials including Dr. Zerhouni and Dr. Gerberding havebeen claiming they did not know of the Polling case until the media began reporting on it, and stillhave not seen the medical files. This implies that the nation's top health officials are not apprised ofthe findings and cases in vaccine court.Is this correct? And has it always been the case?CDC and NIH, along with other agencies in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services andthe scientists and health professionals involved in the nation's immunization programs, do regularlyshare information and collaborate together on the wide variety of issues surrounding vaccines andvaccination. In their respective roles, Dr. Zerhouni and Dr. Gerberding comment frequently on thesafety and efficacy of vaccination.Under the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, and consistent with the federal Privacy Act, ac-cess to medical files is limited to HRSA's Division of Vaccine Injury Compensation staff and medicalexperts, as well as the legal personnel at the Department of Justice and the U.S. Court of FederalClaims, who may see these records in the course of litigation. This has always been the case.2 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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